Latest press releases
Gesteigerte Produktivität durch staubfreies Netzschleifen
Für Maler- und Trockenbauunternehmen ist das Schleifen vielfach die arbeitsintensivste und teuerste Prozessphase. Der Schleifprozess verursacht viel Staub und stellt ein Gesundheitsrisiko für beteiligte Mitarbeiter dar. Die Produkte für staubfreies Netzschleifen von Mirka sind für alle von Vorteil: Sie helfen, Zeit und Geld zu sparen, und schützen die Gesundheit der Anwender.
Maggiore produttività con la carteggiatura senza polvere
Per le aziende del settore delle costruzioni e del restauro, la carteggiatura è spesso la fase di lavoro più complessa e costosa. La carteggiatura può inoltre produrre molta sporcizia e generare rischi per la salute delle persone coinvolte nel processo lavorativo. Utilizzare i prodotti per la carteggiatura senza polvere Mirka costituisce una scelta vincente per tutti, perché fa risparmiare tempo e denaro, proteggendo la salute degli utilizzatori.
More Productivity with Dust-Free Net Sanding
For businesses in the construction and renovation industry, as well as professional decorators, sanding is a labour intensive and expensive work phase. Not only this, sanding can be messy and pose risk to the health of those involved in the work process. Using Mirka’s dust-free net sanding products is a win-win situation for all – saving time and money, and also caring for the health of its users.
Walki invests in cutting-edge printing technology in Poland
Walki Group
Walki Group, a leading producer of technical laminates and protective packaging materials, will invest in a new multi-colour flexographic printing machine in Poland to further enhance the printing quality of its ream wrap products offered to Central and Eastern European markets.
Kemira lanserar KemFlite™ för eliminering av utfällningar på pappersmaskiner
Kemira Oyj
Kemira introducerar KemFlite™, ett helt nytt koncept för att minska de problem som utfällningar av hydrofoba partiklar förorsakar på pappers- och kartongmaskiner. Dessa partiklar som ofta härrör från vedharts, lim eller bindemedel i bestruket utskott har tidigare varit svåra att upptäcka och hantera. Under vissa förhållanden agglomereras partiklarna till större aggregat som så småningom fälls ut på ytor i pappersmaskinens våtända, viror, filtar och torkcylindrar.
Kemira launches KemFlite™ to eliminate paper machine deposition
Kemira Oyj
Kemira is introducing KemFlite™, a new concept to reduce paper and board machine problems that are caused by deposits due to the agglomeration of hydrophobic particles. These particles typically originate from wood pitch, stickies or binders in coated broke and have previously been difficult to detect and control. Under certain conditions the particles agglomerate to a larger size and eventually deposit on paper machine wet-end surfaces, wires, felts and dryer cans.
A Kemira lança o KemFlite™ para eliminar depósitos em máquinas de papel
Kemira Oyj
A Kemira está introduzindo o KemFlite™, um novo conceito para reduzir os problemas causados por depósitos devido à aglomeração de partículas hidrofóbicas em máquinas de papel e cartão. Normalmente, essas partículas são provenientes da resina da madeira, de stickies ou látex do refugo revestido e que anteriormente eram difíceis de detectar e controlar. Sob determinadas condições, as partículas se aglomeram, ficam maiores e eventualmente se depositam nas superfícies da parte úmida, telas, feltros e cilindros secadores da máquina de papel.
Kemira запускают KemFlite™ – концепция для удаления отложений на БДМ
Kemira Oyj
Kemira представляет KemFlite™ – новую концепцию сокращения нестабильной работы бумагоделательных и картоноделательных машин, вызванных отложениями, образующихся в результате агломерации гидрофобных частиц. Как правило, эти частицы происходят от древесной смолы, липких включений или связующих веществ при переработке меловальнного бракa. Обычно эти частицы сложно систематизировать и контролировать их содержание. В определённых условиях, частицы агломерируются в ещё более крупные, в дальнейшем откладываются на различных поверхностях технологического оборудования мокрой части бумагоделательных машин, проводах, сукнах и сушильных барабанах.
Kemira presenting seven water treatment solutions at Singapore International Water Week
Kemira Oyj
Kemira is proud to present seven technical posters in the poster session at SIWW 2012 held on July 1 – July 5, 2012. Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) is the global platform for the sharing and co-creation of innovative water solutions attended by global water leaders and practitioners from the public and private sectors to debate in water dialogues, network with key industry players, show case leading-edge technologies and best practices and identify viable solutions to address this common challenge.
Acciai di Qualità Spa e Steelmet Spa primi ”CERTIFIED PARTNER” Ruukki in Italia
Con il programma di certificazione, Ruukki rafforza la cooperazione con alcuni selezionati distributori di acciai speciali. Il programma rappresenta un vantaggio per i clienti grazie al potenziamento del servizio di assistenza.