Latest press releases
Día Mundial de la Diabetes: Encontrando soluciones para el tratamiento de la pérdida de la visión.
Valon Lasers Oy
/INS. El número de casos de diabéticos están incrementando significativamente alrededor del mundo, lo que significa, qué se espera que el número de casos de retinopatía diabética aumentará también. La retinopatía diabética es la causa más frecuente de nuevos casos de ceguera en los adultos.
Wide range of cranes and lift trucks for versatile use in ports
Konecranes Plc
/INS. Konecranes offers a wide range of cranes, lift trucks and services leading to increased productivity in ports. As the requirements for container handling in ports, terminals, freight depots and waterways are extensive and very strict, many tasks need individual and efficient solutions for transportation and lifting. Based on many years of experience in this area, Konecranes develops and manufactures tailor made, high performance port cranes and heavy lift trucks. In addition, service, maintenance and repair by Konecranes offer essential advantages helping to improve the availability and longevity of cranes and lifting equipment.
Bold action to improve service
Iggesund Paperboard AB
/INS. Iggesund Paperboard is now taking bold action to improve its service. The company offers its customers a wide range of services but most important is its delivery service. Like most other paperboard manufacturers, Iggesund – and not least its customers – has suffered from delivery times that have varied considerably.
SB14 Barcelona showcases Sweden's sustainable construction projects
/INS. At the Sustainable Building 2014 (SB14) world conference in Barcelona between the 28th and 30th of October, ten Swedish projects will be presented as examples of Sweden’s cutting edge sustainable construction offering.
Successful use of Bio-Gate coatings in veterinary medicine.
Bio-Gate AG
/INS. Nuremberg (Germany), Bio-Gate AG (ISIN DE000BGAG981), is a leading provider of antimicrobial products and multifunctional surface coatings for the medical device industry. Bio-Gate has successfully coated multipurpose stainless-steel bone plates for BioMedtrix, a US manufacturer of veterinary implants. Data from a patient observation on dogs will be presented in mid-October by BioMedtrix at the ACVS conference (American College of Veterinary Surgeons).
Hut ja Q-corner - tyylikkäät kalusteuutuudet Götessonilta ja Workspacelta
/INS. Uudentyyppiset, hyvät akustiset ominaisuudet omaavat kalusteet sopivat sekä toimistoihin, kouluihin että päiväkoteihin.
Swedish construction projects at the forefront – from individual buildings to entire city districts
/INS. Sweden builds with sustainability in mind, from individual buildings to entire city districts – and has a lot to show the world. Ten competition winners will be presented at the SB14 conference in Barcelona from the 28th to 30th of October.
New food packaging: The environment and stiffness ticked all the right boxes for SAS
Iggesund Paperboard AB
/INS. Paperboard is a promising material for airline food packaging – it has low weight, can be barrier coated, and can be finished to the required level of elegance and quality feel. Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has recently introduced a new food box made of the folding box board Incada.
Tyylikkäitä kalusteuutuuksia Götessonilta ja Workspacelta - tervetuloa ennakkotutustumiselle
Tervetuloa ennakkotutustumiseen! / INS. Götessons ja Workspace ovat aloittaneet yhteistyön uudenlaisten toimistokalusteiden luomiseksi. Ensimmäiset tuotteet julkistetaan Orgatecin messuilla lokakuussa, mutta tarjoamme teille mahdollisuutta tulla tutustumaan kalusteisiin jo ennakkoon.
Fachowcy w zakresie śmieciarek wielokomorowych
Närpes Trä & Metall Ab - NTM
/ INS. Wraz z nową ustawą o utrzymaniu porządku i czystości w gminach i segregacją odpadów u źródła w Polsce wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na śmieciarki wielokomorowe. W celu spełnienia wymagań rynku firma NTM, czołowy europejski producent pojazdów wielokomorowych, rozszerza swą działalność w kraju. Jedna śmieciarka firmy NTM umożliwia odbiór i przewożenie nawet do czterech różnych frakcji odpadów.