Latest press releases
Reduced packaging weight brings both financial and environmental benefits
Stora Paperboard AB, Stora Gruvön
Reductions in costs and the environmental burden are the cornerstones of MicroLiners, Stora Gruvön's new raw material for the packaging industry. Amongother things, this means the product has low grammage, reducing packaging weight,and is optimised. Characteristics suchas printability and strength are important overall cost factors. "We have achieved this by combiningour own competence and close co-operation with our clients, machinerymanufacturers and others," says Johan Seevers, Sales Director. Suitable application areas for the new product include for example food productand gift packaging, and display stands.
Reduced packaging weight brings both financial and environmental benefits
Stora Paperboard AB, Stora Gruvön
Les Micro Liners, sont de nouveaux papiers que Stora Gruvön propose aux onduleurs.Ils poursuivent deux objectifs: économie globale et réduction des déchets. Le faible grammage du produit permet de réduire le volume des emballages et d'optimiser les matières premières. La qualité d'impression et la résistance sont les facteurs cruciaux d'une gestion efficace des coûts globaux."Ce résultat exceptionnel est le fruit de notre savoir-faire, bien entendu, mais aussi de la coopération étroite avec nos clients, les fabricants de machines et autres partenaires", explique Johan Seevers, directeur des ventes.Ces papiers nouveaux dans notre gamme peuvent être utilisés par exemple pour les emballages alimentaires, boîtes cadeau ou présentoirs.
The worlds longest piece of plywood
Vänerply AB
According to Swedish company Vänerply, plywood in large sheets brings functional and financial benefits compared with the usual, smaller standard formats. By way of example they mention flexibility, efficient handling, greater strength, lower energy losses and reduced or zero material wastage. This is of particular interest when using large components in the building industry, for roofs, walls and floors, but also for the production of export packaging. The company claims to be the only one in the world producing structural-grade plywood of spruce in a press which allows lengths of up until 12.5 metres.
Moving delivers handling system to wholesaler within electricity
Moving AB
Danska elgrossisten Nordisk Solar Compagni gör nu en större satsning i Sverige och bygger ett centrallager i Örebro. Moving AB levererar ett avancerat system för automatisk plockning och backhantering. Idrifttagningen är beräknad till april 1998.
Collection for the homeless awarded
Fyra ungdomar från Falköping och Lidköping fick på tisdagen ta emot Kungliga Blomsterstiftelsens diplom och Kungabukett för visad med-mänsklighet. Den nyinstiftade utmärkelsen delades ut vid en cermoni på Ulriksdals slott i Solna.
Jotun Corro-Coat
Jotun Corro-Coat
Jotun Corro-Coat
Low weight steel construction
Stala Oy
Schlankere und bis zu 46% leichtere Baukonstruktionen können in Zukunft mitHilfe der hochfesten Edelstahlformrohre Stala 350 erzielt werden. Durch Zulassung der Versuchsanstalt für Stahl,Holz und Steine, Universität Karlsruhe (TH - Zulassung Nr. Z-30.3-3), erfüllendie Rohrprofile der finnischen Firma Stala Oy jetzt die Anforderungen derhöchsten Festigkeitsklasse K700 (S355) dieser Zulassung. Dadurch dürfen die korrosionsbeständigen Vierkant- und rechteckigen Rohre auch mit dem "Ü-Zeichen" versehen werden.
ABB Flexible Automation
More and more stores request that their coffee orders be shipped with four different roasts on one pallet. In order to meet this demand Löfbergs Lila (the second largest roasting house in Sweden, with an annual production of more than 15,000 metric tons) have installed a robot in its packaging department. The robot has made it possible to rapidly palletize different types of coffee according to customer orders. Additional benefits have been an improved working environment and a reduction in the amount of investment tied up in storage.