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Rammer hammers help keep Chilean copper on the move

Sandvik Tamrock Corp

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Rammer hammers help keep Chilean copper on the move (photo: Administrator)

Die Kufferverhüttung in dem größten chilenischen Kupferwerk, derzeit im Besitz einer Tochtergesellschaft des Öl-Konzerns Exxon, verläuft reibungslos dank der Anwendung von Rammer-Hämmern. Die von Sandvik Tamrock gelieferten Hämmer sorgen dafür, dass die Kupferschmelze die Öffnungen der Öfen nicht verstopft, was zu Betriebsunterbrechungen führen würde.

Leading Irish Construction Company pioneers the use of Acotec Technology

PCE Engineering Oy Ab

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Leading Irish Construction Company pioneers the use of Acotec Technology (photo: Administrator)

Ormond Building Products Ltd has invested in PCE Engineering Oy's Acotec building technology for the production of extruded lightweight concrete wall panels. The company is trying to address the high demand for construction in Ireland with time and labour saving solutions.

Leading Irish Construction Company pioneers the use of Acotec Technology

PCE Engineering Oy Ab

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Leading Irish Construction Company pioneers the use of Acotec Technology (photo: Administrator)

Ormond Building Products Ltd investierte in PCE Engineerings Acotec-Bautechnologie zur Herstellung von extrudierten, leichten Beton-Wandelementen. Mit Lösungen, die Zeit und Arbeitskraft sparen, will das Unternehmen mit der enormen Nachfrage auf dem irischen Bausektor Schritt halten.

Nearly half of the companies within the EU have poor risk preparation

Marsh AB

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Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture in Northern Europe

Cramo AB

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Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture                      in Northern Europe (photo: Administrator)

Cramo is intensifying its strategic relationship with Caterpillar and introducing the worldwide 'Cat Rental Store' concept in the Group starting this autumn. The aim is to be able to satisfy the rapidly growing rental market's demands even more efficiently, with an expanded product range for the rental market and a higher level of additional services, according to Cramo's CEO. Cramo, which is already one of Europe's largest rental companies, is consequently becoming a key player in a pan-European trend. The agreement is not linked to any change in ownership.

Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture in Northern Europe

Cramo AB

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Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture                      in Northern Europe (photo: Administrator)

Cramo diept de strategische samenwerking met Caterpillar verder uit en introduceert The Cat Rental Store in Nederland. Op deze manier komt het bedrijf tegemoet aan de toenemende vraag van de markt naar het huren in plaats van het kopen van machines. "Bovendien wordt het aanbod steeds groter en de service verbeterd", aldus Nick van der Heul, directeur voor Cramo Nederland. Het bedrijf vestigde zich een jaar geleden in Nederland en rekent op een vergroting van het marktaandeel, onder andere door deze samenwerking.

Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture in Northern Europe

Cramo AB

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Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture                      in Northern Europe (photo: Administrator)

Cramo fördjupar sitt strategiska samarbete med Caterpillar och introducerar det världsomspännande "Cat Rental Store"-konceptet i koncernen med början i höst. Syftet är att kunna tillgodose den snabbt växande hyresmarknadens krav ännu effektivare, med ett större och anpassat utbud av produkter och tilläggstjänster menar Cramos koncernchef. Cramo, som redan idag är ett av Europas största uthyrningsföretag, blir därmed en nyckelaktör i en pan-europeisk utveckling. Överenskommelsen är inte förenad med några ägarmässiga förändringar.

Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture in Northern Europe

Cramo AB

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Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture                      in Northern Europe (photo: Administrator)

Cramo udvider sit strategiske samarbejde med Caterpillar og lancerer nu Cat Rental Store i Danmark. Ifølge Cramos danske direktør, Lars Lindblad, skyldes udvidelsen et ønske om bedre at kunne tilgodese de hurtigt voksende krav på udlejningsmarkedet gennem et større og tilpasset udbud samt et højere serviceniveau. Virksomheden regner med, at samarbejdet vil resultere i en øget markedsandel.

Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture in Northern Europe

Cramo AB

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Cramo takes the lead in Caterpillars rental venture                      in Northern Europe (photo: Administrator)

Cramo utvider sitt strategiske samarbeid med Caterpillar og lanserer Cat Rental Store i Norge. Hensikten er å kunne imøtekomme det raskt voksende leiemarkedets krav enda mer effektivt, med et større og mer tilpasset utvalg. Dessuten forsterkes logistikkfunksjonene, uttaler Helge Haldorsen som er ansvarlig for Cramo i Norge. Foretaket regner med å øke sin markedsandel, blant annet takket være samarbeidet.

SWE-DISH awarded "Excellent Swedish Design"

SWE-DISH Satellite Systems AB

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SWE-DISH Satellite Systems was on Thursday night, September 5th, given the "Excellent Swedish Design" award at a prize ceremony at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden. The award was given for the satellite system IPT Suitcase, designed by Tor Bonnier and Lars Hofsjö - Reload Design.