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Persbericht:Officiële opening van Walki fabriek in Wroclaw (Polen)
Walki Group
Vandaag werd de nieuwe, groene fabriek van Walki in Wroclaw officieel geopend. Nu de markt voor consumentenverpakkingen en industriële verpakkingen in Oost-Europa steeds groter wordt, is Polen de ideale locatie voor Walki om een platform voor toekomstige groei te bouwen.
Walki inviger ny fabrik i Wroclaw i Polen
Walki Group
Walki's nya greenfield-fabrik invigdes idag i Wroclaw. Polen är en idealisk plattform för Walkis fortsatta tillväxt i Östeuropa, där både marknaderna för konsument- och industriförpackningar växer.
Walki weiht neues Werk in der polnischen Stadt Breslau ein
Walki Group
Der Werksneubau von Walki in Breslau wurde heute feierlich eingeweiht. Da in Osteuropa die Nachfrage nach Verpackungsmaterial sowohl bei Warenverpackungen für Verbraucher als auch im Industriebereich steigt, bildet Polen für Walki die ideale Plattform für zukünftiges Wachstum.
Inauguration of Walki's Wroclaw plant in Poland
Walki Group
Walki's new green field plant in Wroclaw was inaugurated today. As the markets for both consumer and industrial packaging is growing in Eastern Europe, Poland is the ideal location for Walki to build a platform for future growth.
A New way to tackle tricky industrial investment decisions
Neste Jacobs
/ INS. Neste Oil recently planned to invest in new rail unloading facilities at the company’s oil refinery in Porvoo, Finland to reduce the logistics costs of a certain type of crude. It soon turned out that the profitability of the investment was relying on so many independently changing variables that a normal profitability calculation was not sufficient. To simulate the process over a long period, the company decided to use sophisticated modelling and analysis provided by the technology, engineering and project management company Neste Jacobs.
Le contreplaqué WISA® d'UPM, un exemple de notre stratégie « en faire plus avec moins »
(UPM Plywood, Lahti, Finlande, 3 Septembre 2013) – Le contreplaqué WISA d'UPM est bien plus qu'un produit à base de bois. Outre ses performances techniques et sa qualité élevées, ce matériau extrêmement durable illustre, de par sa conception, notre philosophie « en faire plus avec moins ». C'est sur cette stratégie que s'appuie UPM pour optimiser l'utilisation des matériaux et gérer plus efficacement les ressources.
UPM’s WISA® plywood is made more-with-less in mind
(UPM Plywood, Lahti, Finland, 3 September 2013) – UPM’s WISA plywood is not just pieces of wood. In addition to high technical performance and quality, it is a highly sustainable material made with more-with-less philosophy in mind. Creating more with less is UPM’s means for better material and resource efficiency.
Focus on special cartonboard and Russia
Pankaboard Oy
Pankaboard is a leading producer of special cartonboards and folding boxboards (FBB) for a wide range of applications, primarily packages for luxury beverages, food, health care, and pharmaceuticals. The mill’s proximity combined with flexible customer service lead to cost-efficient logistics for Russian customers and demonstrate a strategic focus on cross-border trade.
В центре внимания – спецкартон и Россия
Pankaboard Oy
«Панкаборд» – ведущий производитель специальных и коробочных (FBB) картонов для изготовления складной тары различного назначения, в т.ч. для премиальной упаковки напитков, продуктов питания, медицинских и фармацевтических изделий. Географическая близость предприятия и гибкая сервисная поддержка служат основой экономически эффективной логистики для российских клиентов и демонстрируют стратегический приоритет приграничной торговли.
Advanced Diagnostics Services from Konecranes increase accuracy, safety, and efficiency of crane operations.
Konecranes Plc
Two innovative and unique devices have been introduced into the South African market by global crane giant Konecranes, prolonging the overall lifetime of the runways and the ropes through two unique solutions: RailQ Runway Survey and RopeQ Wire Rope Inspection.