Latest press releases in English

Dustcontrol launches unique suction brushes approved for the food industry


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 (photo: Thomas Uggowitzer)

/ins Dustcontrol is boosting its offer with suction brushes approved for the food industry. The new suction brushes combine all the features demanded by the leading companies in the industry. 

Sustainability and availability won the race for Incada

Iggesund Paperboard AB

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<p>Windles, one of the UK’s leading printers specialising in greeting cards and high end packaging, chose Incada for both availability and excellent print result.</p>

/ins After the Brexit referendum, Windles, one of the UK’s leading printers specialising in greeting cards and high end packaging, had cause to review its supply of paper and paperboard. After careful consideration, the company decided on the domestically produced paperboard Incada from Iggesund Paperboard, who have driven a powerful marketing campaign to create awareness of the product.


James Cropper

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/ins   British master papermaker James Cropper is preparing to show off its packaging expertise to the Chinese market at this year’s Luxe Pack Shanghai, taking place on 11 and 12 April 2018.

Why should you join the online Nokia news studio broadcast?


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/ins    Welcome to the Nokia news-studio broadcast about digital automation! Learn about a new service that enables a faster route to digital automation in the following business areas:

Hermle large part machining centres in mould and tool making


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<p>Figure 4 shows a fully machined mould insert with 5 axes with closely arranged and deep cavities</p>

From filing to precision milling /ins   HETEC’s claim of "Performance is not a matter of chance" exactly expresses the philosophy and strategy of the machining services supplier from Breidenbach! And that philosophy was born out of Friedhelm Herhaus' experience: For too long he felt hampered in his desire to put his specialist knowledge and skill to practical use and to the customer’s benefit. In such cases there is only one way forward: setting up one’s own operation. Together with his brother Günter Herhaus, he founded HETEC OHG, originally in Bad Laasphe. As the scope of the business grew, brother Werner Herhaus joined the company as well, and in 2000 the next milestone was reached with the founding of HETEC GmbH.

PulPaper - the top international event for the forest industry takes place in Helsinki


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<p>PulPaper Helsinki 2014</p> (photo: Kimmo Brandt)

/ins PulPaper is the leading international event in the forest industry’s calendar. It will be held in Helsinki on 29–31 May 2018. The event is a global meeting place where forest industry professionals from around the world will find out about innovations, learn new things and network. PulPaper includes an exhibition, a high-quality conference programme, an evening programme and the opportunity to visit a Finnish mill.

Swedish Steel Prize 2018 finalists stand out with pioneering designs


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<p>SSAB, Swedish Steel prize , Finalists 2018</p>

/ins The Swedish Steel Prize 2018 finalists have been named, revealing four innovative design concepts that utilize high-strength steel to achieve the highest possible performance. The winner will be announced at a ceremony in Stockholm on May 24.


Assalub AB

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/ins The WLubeMon monitors that the right amount of lubricant is fed in the right time to the bearing – the fundamental criteria for reliable lubrication system.  

10nm pattern generation using thermal scanning probe lithography enabled by simplified materials and processes

PI Bond

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/ins Thermal scanning probe lithography (tSPL) has been used to create patterns with sub-20 nm half pitch resolution. Pattern generation uses a thermally sensitive resist and spin coatable hard mask materials to transfer the resist patterns. Spin coatable materials permit users of tSPL to reduce time and cost of the patterning process.


Alfa Laval AB

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/ins    Alfa Laval UltraPure pumps are specifically designed for the toughest, most demanding pharmaceutical applications. From high-value, high-risk productions where every second counts to reliability and repeatability process-driven productions, whatever your challenge, there is an Alfa Laval UltraPure solution to meet your needs.