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Troventum is the future of recycling


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/ins The contradictions that inevitably emerge in the relationship between human beings and the environment are among the main problems of the recent centuries.

Trufab named Swedish Steel Prize 2018 finalist


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/ins By identifying the need for a modern grain cart for farming and developing a new product that offers a dramatic improvement over current solutions, Trufab has been nominated for the Swedish Steel Prize 2018.

Mantella named Swedish Steel Prize 2018 finalist


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/ins By creating a game changing new truck trailer chassis with outstanding performance that goes far beyond current innovations, Mantella has been nominated for the Swedish Steel Prize 2018.

JAK-Metalli named Swedish Steel Prize 2018 finalist


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/ins For developing a new cutting solution for vegetation management that is safer, less energy intensive and more durable, JAK-Metalli has been nominated for the Swedish Steel Prize 2018.

Silvery or golden surface for the HP Indigo 12000 series

Iggesund Paperboard AB

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<p>Colgate Gold Metalprint Digital</p> (photo: Rolf Lavergren, Bildbolaget)

/ins When Iggesund Paperboard asked Print House in Oslo to do the certification testing of its new silvery metallised PET film-laminated paperboard, Metalprint Digital, which is custom designed for the HP Indigo 12000 series of digital printing presses, the Swedish company also gained an exciting benchmark example of Metalprint Digital’s performance ability. The printers had simultaneously been asked to develop an exclusive packaging for the launch of Colgate’s gold toothbrush, the Gold 360⁰. From the sheets left over from the certification testing, the printers created a packaging for Colgate in the form of a gold bar – unusually, even before the paperboard was on the market.

CTE named Swedish Steel Prize 2018 finalist


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/ins   For developing a highly innovative truck-mounted sky-lift that gives access to confined spaces where traditional solutions fail, CTE has been nominated for the Swedish Steel Prize 2018.

The themes of PulPaper, the leading forest industry event, are the circular economy and bio-based products


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<p><strong>Caption:</strong> Stora Enso drives sustainable forest management as it safeguards forest health and productivity, helps combat global warming, and protects biodiversity – whilst securing the long-term availability of our renewable resources.Image: Stora Enso</p>

/ins PulPaper is the leading exhibition and conference event in the forest industry’s calendar. It will be held in Helsinki, Finland on 29– - 31 May 2018. The forest industry is experiencing a transition period as the environmental impact of the sector is known better than before. The event programme takes this into consideration with a strong environmental perspective.

thyssenkrupp Materials Services is now “omnifit” – digital transformation of the materials business moves to the next level

thyssenkrupp Materials Services

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World’s biggest virtual warehouse: Virtual presentation of more than 150,000 products and services providing fully digital access to 3.5 million m² of storage space at 271 international operating sites Omnichannel in practice: Cross-channel access to wide spectrum of materials and services for 250,000 customers worldwide   /ins  thyssenkrupp Materials Services is making rapid advances with its digital transformation: The thyssenkrupp Group’s materials experts are digitizing their entire range and consolidating it in the world’s biggest virtual warehouse. With more than 3.5 million square meters of storage space at 271 operating sites around the world, Materials Services is now closer than ever to its customers and offers round-the-clock access to more than 150,000 products and services through its new omnichannel structure, enabled by a powerful, self-developed AI (Artificial Intelligence) solution.

Demag quadro chain hoist for a broad range of applications

Demag Cranes & Components GmbH

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Series hoist unit with four pick-up points Precise handling thanks to mechanical synchronisation One motor for four chain drives /ins Wetter, Germany, 12 April 2018. Fitted with four load hooks, the Demag LDC-Q quadro chain hoist allows different load handling attachments to be lifted and transported at the same time. The available LDC-Q sizes enable loads weighing up to 3.2 t to be handled safely and efficiently.

Introducing a new accessible and agile digital era in agriculture


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<p>Caption: Nordic Seed, a part of Danish Agro</p>

/ins   Get a new perspective on seed and grain analysis with a wide range of profitable benefits to the user, provided by user friendly digital solutions such as the new digital microscope TREND from TAGARNO