Invercote and Incada - when paperboard pros get to choose

/ins  Iggesund Paperboard, which is part of the Holmen Group, has the two most valuable paperboard brands in Europe. That’s the conclusion of a brand survey done by the analyst firm Opticom International Research.  Over 200 converters – companies that process paperboard into finished packaging – rank Invercote and Incada from Iggesund at the very top.

The survey encompasses converters in Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands in the packaging segments: pharmaceuticals & health care products, cosmetics & beauty, chocolate & confectionery, dry foodstuffs, frozen & chilled foods, and wines & spirits. The study has been done every second year since 2004 and Iggesund’s brands have consistently placed at the top.

“Every time we place highest in this survey we get confirmation that both our paperboard families offer what the market wants,” comments a satisfied Kenneth Nysten, Sales and Marketing Director at Iggesund. “Of course, it is particularly pleasing that the survey participants are converters, who make their living from transforming this white and lightweight paperboard into functional and elegant packaging.”

The survey also concludes that high quality and sustainability characteristics are becoming more and more important as selection criteria. Converters also have high expectations on properties such as printability, runnability in the conversion process, and folding properties – all of which both Invercote and Incada achieve with ease.

Iggesund and Stora Enso are perceived as leading the paperboard market with regard to sustainability, even though the majority of the respondents do not see any clear leader within the industry.

“The converters’ opinion, not least the fact that they single out runnability and product quality, reinforces our view that we are heading in the right direction. Their appreciation of our sustainability work is also important and a strong argument in favour of our products,” Nysten concludes.

Europe’s most valuable paperboard brands according to the survey:

  1. Invercote (Iggesund)
  2. Incada (Iggesund)
  3. Tambrite (Stora Enso)
  4. Ensocoat (Stora Enso)
  5. Performa (Stora Enso)
  6. BillerudKorsnäs (BillerudKorsnäs)
  7. CKB (Stora Enso) NEW 2018
  8. MetsäBoard Pro (Metsä Board) NEW 2018
  9.  Alaska Plus (International Paper)
  10. MetsäBoard Classic (Metsä Board) NEW 2018
  11. MetsäBoard Prime (Metsä Board) NEW 2018


Caption 1: The Origin Box is made of three kinds of paper material, of which two, Invercote and Incada, are made by Iggesund Paperboard. Converter was Du Caju Printing & Packaging, Belgium.

Caption 2: “The converters’ opinion, not least the fact that they single out runnability and product quality, reinforces our view that we are heading in the right direction with both Invercote and Incada,” says Kenneth Nysten, Iggesund Paperboard.


Iggesund Paperboard is part of the Swedish forest industry group Holmen, one of the world’s 100 most sustainable companies listed on the United Nations Global Compact Index. Iggesund’s turnover is just over €500 million and its flagship product Invercote is sold in more than 100 countries. The company has two brand families, Invercote and Incada, both positioned at the high end of their respective segments. Since 2010 Iggesund has invested more than €380 million to increase its energy efficiency and reduce the fossil emissions from its production.

Iggesund and the Holmen Group report all their fossil carbon emissions to the Carbon Disclosure Project. The environmental data form an integral part of an annual report that complies with the Global Reporting Initiative’s highest level of sustainability reporting. Iggesund was founded as an iron mill in 1685, but has been making paperboard for more than 50 years. The two mills, in northern Sweden and northern England employ 1500 people.

Further information:

Staffan Sjöberg
Public Relations Manager

Iggesund Paperboard
SE-825 80 Sweden
Tel: +4665028256
Mobile: +46703064800


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Company Information

Iggesund Logo

Iggesund Paperboard Head Office

Iggesund Paperboard AB
SE-825 80 Iggesund
Sweden / Sverige

Phone: +46 650 280 00
Fax: +46 650 288 00

Press contact

Therese Rahm
Communication Manager

Phone: +46 70 595 56 10

     Via social media

Company Information

Iggesund Logo

Iggesund Paperboard Head Office

Iggesund Paperboard AB
SE-825 80 Iggesund
Sweden / Sverige

Phone: +46 650 280 00
Fax: +46 650 288 00

Press contact

Therese Rahm
Communication Manager

Phone: +46 70 595 56 10

     Via social media

About Iggesund Paperboard AB


Iggesund Paperboard is part of the Swedish forest industry group Holmen, one of the world’s 100 most sustainable companies listed on the United Nations Global Compact Index. Iggesund’s turnover is just over €500 million and its flagship product Invercote is sold in more than 100 countries. The company has two brand families, Invercote and Incada, both positioned at the high end of their respective segments. Since 2010 Iggesund has invested more than €380 million to increase its energy efficiency and reduce the fossil emissions from its production.

Iggesund and the Holmen Group report all their fossil carbon emissions to the Carbon Disclosure Project. The environmental data form an integral part of an annual report that complies with the Global Reporting Initiative’s highest level of sustainability reporting. Iggesund was founded as an iron mill in 1685, but has been making paperboard for more than 50 years. The two mills, in northern Sweden and northern England employ 1500 people.

The Iggesund Mill

Making the world’s best paperboard is easy. You need water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to grow a seedling into a tree. Then you need sustainable forest management that can deliver first-class timber. There must be a pulp mill and a paperboard mill, and then distribution channels to get the paperboard to everyone who wants to use it. Most important of all, though, to the manufacture of Invercote are the skilled professionals who do their best – people who are proud of what they achieve and do not compromise on the quality of their work. Iggesunds Mill has traditions stretching back to 1685. Throughout that time dedicated individuals have done their utmost to use the renewable forest to benefit other people.

A world-class mill

Iggesund Mill (including Strömsbruk Mill) in Sweden is one of the most advanced, fully integrated pulp and paperboard mills in the world. Not least thanks to our long term majority owner, we have very well invested mills. There are many benefits having an integrated saw mill – we manage raw material together and we can use all the waste from their production to either make pulp or energy. In return we feed the saw mill with steam used to dry the timber. At Iggesund Mill, 100% of the pulp used to make Invercote is produced on location and pumped wet to the board machine. This means that we use no market pulp. Not drying the pulp preserves some mechanical properties of the fibres.

This advanced technology – hundreds of metres of paperboard machines – is controlled by employees with various forms of special expertise. The machines work around the clock and year round to produce tonne after tonne of dazzling white paperboard. Technical perfection and numerical control processes are all well and good but for excellent results you also need team spirit and a good working atmosphere. Invercote’s unique properties are the result of the interplay between expertise, a positive spirit and cutting-edge technology.

Actively investing in bioenergy

In 2012 the new recovery boiler was inaugurated at Iggesund Mill, an investment made possible by the long term perspective of our majority owner. With it in operation, the mill produces all the heat it needs, and can also provide district heating to the nearby community. It also produces nearly all the electricity needed for the mill, and is connected to the grid to be able to output excess electricity if needed. As the new boiler was trimmed into operation, it drastically reduced a lot of emissions between 2013 and 2014: fossil CO2 by >85%, particles by ~45% and sulphur by ~35%

With the installation and trimming of the new recovery boiler, emissions to air have reduced drastically from already low levels – graph being updated shortly. Measurements have shown that only 1% of particles in the air of Iggesund village comes from the mill. The majority of particles comes from domestic fire places and cars.

Care for our customers and their businesses

Paperboard must be there when the customer needs it. All the quality features in the world are meaningless if the deliveries don’t arrive in time. Delivery precision is a high priority. A maritime transport system guarantees overseas customers receive shipments with the lowest possible environmental impact. The service doesn’t stop there. Every tonne of Invercote comes with access to documentation and knowledge about how to make best use of the paperboard. The knowledge and market-based technical support provided by Iggesund, help customers to achieve dazzling end results and optimal production economics.


