News agency sets up Internet Press Forum

15 November 1995
News agency sets up
Internet Press Forum

Internet Press Club (IPC) is the first international press forum to be launched in cyberspace. It aims to be a global meeting place through which journalists can buy and sell articles, participate in debates and access information from the regular flow of press releases published by the founder International News Service AB (INS).

The new marketplace can be found on home page
Journalists who are members of the club can free of charge use IPC to gain international exposure for their articles which will be catalogued by language and content.
Those wishing to use the material, however, will have to pay a fee to the author, from which the club will deduct a commission charge.
"Through the Internet Press Club, editors all over the world will have at their finger-tips a practical press tool, enabling them to buy and sell articles, access the facts they need and hundreds of press releases or take part in a variety of collegial debates," says Lars Holmgren, head of INS.
The core business of the INS news agency comprises the writing of press releases and articles, translating and distributing them to selected newspapers and magazines all over the world. The agency's own media bank holds information on some 25,000 papers and journals in 160 countries. The company has offices in Europe, USA and Japan./ins

For more information, contact:
Lars Holmgren
International News Service AB
S-131 84 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 6010000
Fax: +46 8 7184590

N.B. This text is available on 3.5" format disk (Word 5.1a) formatted for Macintosh or PC.


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