Walki Wisa creates new brand as it expands its ream wrapper range

Ream wrapper specialist Walki Wisa creates its own brand name, WisaCopy, for the first time to mark its growing success in this key sector of the packaging industry. Alongside building its own name in the market, the company is launching two products within its ream wrapper range.

The company claims to be one of the forerunners in the development of ream wrap technology and end user applications. It is hoped to build upon its expertise in the market with a single, identifiable brand. "The range is split into six products that meet different customer requirements," notes Gunilla Laakso, technical manager, printing at Walki Wisa. "Each product can also be modified regarding its appearance and technical properties by combining different paper grades and plastic coatings."

The products in the newly named WisaCopy range have individual structures tailored for different applications. Basic is a strong, unprinted ream wrapper with moisture barrier on the inside. Classic is a printed wrapper with a plastic moisture barrier, with print on the outside. Ice is ream wrap with coating over the printed paper to give a strong, durable ream wrapper with optimum runnability on the packaging line. Art's glossy, varnished appearance has been developed for those wanting an exclusive look in their protective wrap as well as good runnability. This is achieved through the paper with an outer coating of moisture barrier with printing and a final varnish finish.

Leading player
The additional grades are WisaCopy Tec and Film. "Tec is an extra strong special grade, which has been developed, among other things, for mail-order sales," says Gunilla Laakso. "The wrapper can be reinforced with various types of material to enable it to withstand hard wear." Film is a transparent special grade of plastic that can be used, for example, for colour document paper or small-sized special packaging.

Walki Wisa has grown to become one of the world's largest manufacturers of ream wrappers. "We are the only global supplier of ream wrappers, having built up substantial production capacity in several countries. We also collaborate closely with key paper producers," says Gunilla Laakso.

Today ream wrappers work on highly automated packaging lines which have minimal tolerance of variation in packaging material properties. The company has built up expertise in flexographic printing of such products as well as the manufacture of the materials themselves.

The company specialises in paper-based packaging materials. Its main customers are in the paper, board, packaging and steel industries. The company has a turnover of approximately 300 million euros and approx. 1,000 employees. Total production capacity is around 300,000 tonnes per year produced at seven factories in Europe, the USA and China.

For more information, contact:

Ari Rinkinen, Marketing Director
Walki Wisa Group
P.O. Box 40
FIN-37601 Valkeakoski
Tel.: +358 2041 63433
Fax: +358 2041 63002
E-mail: ari.rinkinen@upm-kymmene.com

Johan Wik, Marketing Communication Manager
Walki Wisa Group
P.O. Box 121
FIN-68601 Pietarsaari
Tel.: +358 204 16 9389
Fax: +358 204 16 8845
E-mail: johan.wik@upm-kymmene.com

In Austria and Germany, contact:
Gert Buscher
Walki Wisa GmbH
P.O. Box 1625
D-48546 Steinfurt
Tel.: +49 2551 680
Fax: +49 2551 6857
E-mail: gert.buscher@upm-kymmene.com

In China, contact:
Jimmy Huang
Walki Wisa Shanghai
2988 Gu Dai Road
Xin Zhuang, Min Hang
Shanghai 201100
Tel.: 86 21 6488 8822
Fax: 86 21 5495 7058
E-mail: jimmy.huang@upm-kymmene.com

In Indonesia, contact:
Eyvind Mortensen
Walki Wisa
69 Nyhavn
DK 1051 Copenhagen
Tel.: +45 33 48 18 42
Fax: +45 33 48 18 43
E-mail: eyvind.mortensen@upm-kymmene.com

In the Netherlands, contact:
Arno Wolff
Walki Wisa GmbH
Alte Dürener Strasse 3
P.O. Box 1730
D-52407 Jülich
Tel.: +49 (0)2461 680 618
Fax: +49 (0)2461 680 693
E-mail: arno.wolff@upm-kymmene.com

In Russia, contact:
Maxim Shamray
UPM-Kymmene Repr. Office
Pokrovski buljvar 4/17
Building 4a
101000 Moscow
Tel.: +7 095 916 0022
Fax: +7 095 917 4123
E-mail: maxim.shamray@upm-kymmene.com

Philip Libin
UPM-Kymmene Repr. Office
Moika 11
Office 15
191186 St. Petersburg
Tel.: +7 812 325 8119
Fax: +7 095 325 8120
E-mail: philipp.libin@upm-kymmene.com

In Sweden, contact:
Gustav Grahn
Gjörwellsgatan 30-32. 7tr
S-112 60 Stockholm
Tel.: +46 (0)8 447 44 20
Fax: +46 (0)8 726 19 90
E-mail: gustav.grahn@upm-kymmene.com

In United Kingdom, contact:
David Ingham
Walki Wisa Ltd
Ray Lane
Preston PR3 1GG
Tel.: +44 (0)1995 604 227
Fax: +44 (0)1995 605 222
E-mail: david.f.ingham@upm-kymmene.com

Press release images

Walki Wisa creates new brand as it expands its ream wrapper range

Walki Wisa creates new brand as it expands its ream wrapper range


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