Environmental technology portal to secure global contacts and practical knowledge transfer

News, views and plenty of practical solutions for a better planet can be found in a Swedish government-funded environmental program to make the sector environmental technology visible and accessible. Through the launch of the comprehensive and easily accessible website www.swedentech.swedishtrade.se more than 500 Swedish consultants and suppliers offer to share the experience from developing a sustainable society in Sweden. This environmental technology portal intends to secure global contacts and spread practical knowledge.

The aim of this endeavour is to present a useful source of information on a global basis, operate a functional network that will be useful e.g. to purchasers of environmental technology and for forming strategic alliances or partnerships. A number of internationally successful companies, such as ABB, ITT Flygt, Skanska, Sweco and Purac form part of the network.

"Sweden is in many ways a model country in respect of environmental matters. We have long experience of system development and have much to offer the global market in the search for an improved environment, as regards both services and technology. This is the primary aim of our massive investment in www.swedentech.swedishtrade.se", comments Project Manager Rutger Engsäll of Sveriges Exportråd (The Swedish Trade Council).

For further information please contact The Swedish Trade Council, Rutger Engsäll, tel: +46 8 783 85 00,
E-mail: swedentech@swedishtrade.se


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