Broad range of calibrators check IR sensor accuracy from -20 to 3000 C

Compliance with ISO 9000 and other quality programs increasingly requires manufacturers and researchers to verify the accuracy of infrared temperature sensors and systems. To meet this need, the Mikron Instrument Company Inc. has developed a comprehensive range of radiometric calibration standards. The M300 series includes 24 models covering a broad selection of temperature ranges and aperture sizes. Models also incorporate practical features such as portability and remote, computer operation, which facilitates use over long path lengths or in difficult or hazardous locations.

Generally referred to as blackbody sources, these standards are utilized to verify the calibration accuracy of infrared thermometers, thermal imaging systems, radiometers, and other instruments whose function depends on their precise response to infrared radiation. Satellite mapping systems, heat seeking missiles and gas analyzers are some examples. Blackbody calibrators are used to check operational sensors, or as transfer references to provide linkage to primary or national standards.

Specifications accommodate measurement extremes
The M300 series includes the M385, which has a temperature range of -5 to 95 C, an emittance factor of 0.99997, and temperature stability of ±2 mK over several days, providing the precise reference needed for analytical systems and medicine. At the other extreme, the M390 covers a range of temperatures from 600 to 3000 C, which is typical of some aerospace applications and carbon fiber materials manufacture. Warm-up time is only 5 minutes from room ambient to 2300 C, significantly reducing the time taken to perform a number of sequential calibrations. Large area sources up to 50x50 cm are also included in the series.
The M380, metal freezing point primary sources provide point temperatures from 29.76 C (Gallium) to 1084.62 C (Copper) with an inherent precision normally only associated with national standards institutes. The precision is derived from the fact that heated metals change from liquid to solid at repeatedly exact temperatures. Access to such primary standards on-site avoids the long delays sometimes incurred in obtaining calibration verification from national standards.

Product selection made easier
The M300 series, and Mikron's infrared thermometers and thermal imaging systems, are described in a new, free, 250 page catalog which also contains over 50 pages of technical reference information.
The Mikron Instrument Company Inc. is headquartered in Oakland, New Jersey, USA, and specializes in the design, manufacture and application of infrared thermometers, thermal imaging systems and blackbody calibration sources. They market and support their products globally. The company is registered to ISO 9001.
Caption: Mikron's M300 series blackbody calibrators help maintain quality standards

For further information, please contact:
The Mikron Instrument Company Inc.
Douglas E. Frank, Vice President, Sales and Marketing
16 Thornton Road
Oakland, NJ 07436, USA
Tel: 201 891 7330
Fax: 201 405 0900
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