
New-generation timber crane cabin enhances the comfort and productivity of truck loading operations

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Eine Kabine der neuesten Generation fuumlr Holzkrane erhoumlht den Komfort und die Effizienz von LKW-Beladevorgaumlngen (photo: Administrator)

Loglift Jonsered has launched a new ergonomic cabin for its market-leading range of timber cranes. Designed to meet the rising trend to specify cranes with cabins, the new V906 is not only larger and lighter than the company's previous product, but continues the manufacturer’s ‘design for durability’ philosophy.

High-reliability cranes provide timber handling solution for Europe's showcase sawmill

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Hoch verlaumlssliche Kraumlne als Holzumschlagloumlsung fuumlr Europas Vorzeigesaumlgewerk (photo: Administrator)

Loglift Jonsered cranes optimised for continuous use are playing a key role in the efficient operation of one of Europe's largest-ever wood processing plant investments - Binder Holz's newly-opened sawmill in Kösching.

New timber handling crane with cab provides a safe and durable truck loading solution

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Neuer Holzladekran mit Kabine bietet eine sichere und haltbare Loumlsung fuumlr Lkw-Beladevorgaumlnge (photo: Administrator)

Salo, Finland, Loglift Jonsered has added a new design of cabin to its J1080 crane for truck-mounted timber handling operations. Providing double slewing cylinders for durability in arduous forestry applications, the cabin-equipped crane provides a safe and comfortable environment for high productivity in adverse weather conditions.