New possibilities GSM technology calls for the dustman when the rubbish container needs emptying

A GSM server that can call for pickup when a rubbish container is full or for service in case of technical error. This is now reality, in the wake of successful testing of a GSM-equipped rubbish compactor located at a Swedish Coca-Cola factory. Ragnsells, a refuse collection company, hopes that this spells an end to unnecessary transports and service calls for half-empty containers. With thousands of containers its service area, the company also expects significant environmental benefits through fewer, better-planned transports. The technology is now being introduced onto the international market by the company's development partner, Unwire AB, specialists in telematics and positioning.

Rapid technological developments in the electronics industry, with the combination of ever-smaller components and mobile telematics (i.e. computer communication between machines), have made the application possible.

The wireless GSM server is installed in the rubbish container's electrical box.
When the container reaches the volume pre-set by the customer, it places a telephone call to the dispatch at the refuse collector or the transport company requesting service.
Companies can expect considerable savings. Once installed, the system eliminates many unnecessary transports. This not only benefits the environment but also reduces the need for emergency service calls to change containers, often due to poor planning on the part of users.
Interested parties see the installation at Coca-Cola as just the beginning of a dynamic development, not least for open container management, where they foresee a very large market. Negotiations are already underway with international container manufactur-ers, with the goal of including the GSM system on delivery.
Unwire will be supplying hardware and software including the contribution of its technical platform, UP100. The company is already announcing several other concrete and useful applications that go hand in hand with the GSM system.
- Employing mobile telematics in this way means that scientific necessity, rather than statistical planning, will benefit society, as well as providing better quality service and saving the environment. We expect to take a leading technological role in this area, says Thomas Höglund, marketing director at Unwire AB in charge of telematics applications within Unwire AB.

Company synopsis: Unwire
Unwire AB develops and produces, together with partners, GSM-based products for mobile communication solutions within the banking industry, for surveillance/supervision, control and positioning. Company operations include in-house systems and product development and external consulting and advising services.

For more information, please contact:
Thomas Höglund, Marketing director
Unwire AB, Box 1449, SE-171 28 Solna, SWEDEN
Telephone: +46-(0)8-446 64 06


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