Extended DTC drives range

ABB's ACS 600 SingleDrive range of variable speed AC drives has been extended from 630kW to 3MW. The power range starts at 2.2kW. This is the market's widest range of AC drives based on Direct Torque Control (DTC) technology, according to ABB.
DTC enables the ACS 600 SingleDrive to be used for both high performance and simple applications. It provides speed and torque control accuracy up to ten times greater than other open loop drives."Users of ABB's DTC drives have reported capital cost reductions up to 25 % as no encoders are needed in many applications unlike in flux vector and PWM drives," comments Seppo Perälä, Product Marketing Manager.
The range can also bring additional savings to simple applications such as pumps and fans, due to the energy saving feature of DTC - Flux Optimisation. Just-in-time switching means that power is supplied to the motor when it is needed rather than continuously as it is with other drives. This can increase energy savings when the motor is not fully loaded. As a 1% increase in efficiency of a 1MW motor can save US$3,000 per year, Flux Optimisation is extremely valuable.
"The ACS 600 SingleDrive range replaces the world's previous best selling range of drives, ABB's SAMI Star, as we have designed the ACS 600 SingleDrive to offer even more benefits, particularly lower capital costs, better process control and increased energy savings," explains Seppo Perälä.
"The SAMI Star sold more in value than any competitor's product range. We expect the ACS 600 SingleDrive to do even better because with DTC it is the best solution for the widest range of applications."
The fast loop time of DTC - the state of the motor is calculated 40,000 times/second - makes the drive virtually tripless. Torque is controlled directly so any sudden changes in load or overvoltages can be handled.
Built-in application macros for most applications means commissioning time is kept short. As the display panel can use ten different languages, set-up remains simple throughout the world. Even closed loop process control applications are simple as the ACS 600 SingleDrive has a built-in PID controller.
Energy savings can be further increased on applications such as cranes, hoists and lifts, with the regenerative braking option.
Any model in the ACS 600 SingleDrive range can be connected to all major Fieldbuses including Interbus, Profibus, DeviceNet and Modbus.
ABB's ACS 600 SingleDrive range of variable speed drives has been extended from 630kW to 3MW.
For further information please contact:
Tuomo Merentie
P.O. Box 184
FIN-00381 Helsinki
Puh. +358 (0)10 22 2000; Fax. +358 (0)10 22 22211
ABB Industrie & Gebäudesysteme GmbH
Heinz Niessner
Wienerbergstr. 11 B
A-1810 Wien, Austria
Tel.: 01 60109 - 3755; Fax: 01 60109 - 8305
ABB Industry (Pty) Ltd
David V. Sheldon
P.O. Box 11494
1457 Randhart, South Africa
Tel: 011 864 5340; Fax: 011 908 2061
Vladimir Lexa
Vinohradska 184
13052 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Tel: 02 6713 2387; Fax: 02 6713 2384
ABB Industria
Carlo Cecchi
Viale Edison 50
I-20099 Sesto San Giovanni, Milano, Italy
Tel: 02 26232 792; Fax: 02 26232 979
ABB Systemen B.V.
Marten Meesweg 5
NL-3000 CS Rotterdam, Netherlands
tel. 010 4078362; fax. 010 4078433
ABB Sistemas Industriales S.A.
Montserrat Grima
Poligono Industrial del S.O.
8192 Sant Quirze del Valles, Spain
Tel. 03 728 8700; Telefax: 03 728 8743
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Extended DTC drives range
Extended DTC drives range
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