Water in gable-top cartons - a growing aluminium-free packaging solution
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The water market has grown sharply during the 1990s. This has caused new brands to emerge and the taste and odour (organoleptic) properties of packaging to become the topic of discussion. As a result the Nordic dairy giant Valio has switched to using aluminium-free, Ensobarr barrier coated gable-top packaging in its 1 litre range of drinking waters.
On-line tester detects food package leaks
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A new, highly sensitive testing method whereby leaking packages can be detected right on the packaging line has been developed for food packages. This package leak tester developed in Finland measures minute leakages in less than a second. The first testers will be introduced on packaging lines during spring 1999.
Aluminium-free packaging material - new product applications
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Packaging manufacturers are in a key position between packaging board producers and end users when it comes to the introduction of new packaging solutions. End user demands have increased, particularly with respect to barrier properties. Packages are also required to be recyclable and easily disposable - a goal that cannot be achieved with conventional aluminium laminated liquid packaging. Italpak, which produces packaging for companies in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, has switched to using the European and USA patented Ensobarr barrier coating, which replaces aluminium laminating in packaging boards.
"Future Packaging" and innovative packaging design
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"Pack design is a fundamental part of creating a brand. It must express the essential nature of the product and give it a unique image", says Marcello Minale, one of the most well-known European names in packaging design. His London-based office carried out the first part of Stora Enso Paperboard's "Future Packaging Development Programme", a project which aims to seek new stimulating ideas for food packaging designs and brand makers of the future. The project utilised the versatile properties of Enso Performa board.
Board turns into reusable pack
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Can you use your empty package of chocolates as a jewel box? Stora Enso Paperboards and Cartotecnica Chierese have started a project to launch a new type of reusable board package on the market. Both companies believe that at the beginning of the 21st century reusability will become a key marketing factor. Even now board is easily recycled, but packages suitable for reuse are not common.