Flow meters for ultra-pure liquids or slurries
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New flowmeters provide accurate drift-free measurements in flare natural and other gas applications
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Three new DigitalFlow gas ultrasonic flowmeters have been introduced by Panametrics, Inc. Each uses digital signal processing and the company's patented Correlation Transit-Time technique for accurate, drift-free measurement. They can be used under a wide range of conditions without impeding flow. Maintenance is minimal even in difficult situations because the flowmeters have no orifices to clog and no moving parts to wear out, the company reports.
New steam flowmeters measure mass flow without pressure drop
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Two new ultrasonic steam flowmeters from Panametrics, the DigitalFlow GS868 and XGS868, solve pressure drop and rangeability problems found in other flowmeters the company reports. This helps reduce operation, installation and maintenance costs. The GS868 is a full featured flowmeter, while the XGS868 is a lower cost flow transmitter. Using Correlation Transit-Time Technology, the meters do not obstruct the line, so full steam power is always delivered. They measure mass flow rate of saturated and superheated steam over a wide range.