Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
2-3, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8332, Japan
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Delivers LNG Fuel Gas Supply System (FGSS) for LNG-fueled Car Carriers Built by Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd.
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・ High-pressure systems delivered in August 2023 for car carriers that will use LNG as their main fuel ・ Accomplished delivery of seven FGSS units to Japanese shipyard in total and nineteen units to be delivered
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Begins Demonstration Testing to Support the Market Launch of the MAmmoSS® Ammonia Handling System for Ships
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・ Completion of demonstration facility to safely process surplus ammonia from ammonia-fueled vessels. ・ Testing begun to support the market launch of MAmmoSS®, a system package comprising an ammonia fuel supply system and peripheral equipment.