The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is an Indian central public sector undertaking under the ownership of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India. It is headquartered in New Delhi. ONGC was founded on 14 August 1956 by the Government of India. It is the largest government-owned-oil and gas explorer and producer in the country and produces around 70 percent of India's domestic production of crude oil and around 84 percent of natural gas. In November 2010, the Government of India conferred the Maharatna status to ONGC.
Fuelling change: ONGC’s drive for a low-carbon India
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/INS. Maharatna oil PSU, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), is committed to a profound transformation into a low-carbon energy player, investing Rs one lakh crore by the end of this decade. The investment will be channelled into diverse low-carbon energy opportunities, including renewables and green hydrogen. ONGC is actively aligning itself with India’s carbon reduction goals.