Group office
Mondi plc
Ground Floor, Building 5
The Heights
KT13 0NY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1932 826 300
Fax: +44 1932 826 351
Group office
Marxergasse 4A
1030 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 790 13-0
Fax: +43 1 790 13-960
Mondi's IQ GRASS + PACKAGING gives luxury packaging a special touch
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New grammages of 80 g/m², 200 g/m² and 350 g/m² extend the previous 95 g/m² and 120 g/m² IQ GRASS + PACKAGING range with up to 30 percent grass fibres Optimised for a wide range of liners and folding boxes as well as finishing: hot foiling, embossing and folding Now, in addition to flexo printing, also suited for offset printing Perfect material for high-quality product packaging such as jewellery, cosmetics and luxury items
Mondi first to offer extensive portfolio of Cradle to Cradle Certified® uncoated fine papers from its European mills
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Wide uncoated fine paper portfolio from Mondi´s Austrian, Slovak and Russian mills awarded with a Cradle to Cradle certification at Bronze level Cradle to Cradle Certified® is a globally recognised standard for safe and responsible products marking the step from a linear to a circular economy Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute acknowledges Mondi´s contribution to a circular economy through products that positively impact people and planet