Company Information

IQM Finland Oy
Keilaranta 19
02150 Espoo
Phone: +358 (0)50 5696 439
IQM Germany GmbH
Nymphenburgerstr. 86
80636 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 23025750
Press contact
Head of Marketing
& Communications
Phone: +358 50 487 6509
Company Information

IQM Finland Oy
Keilaranta 19
02150 Espoo
Phone: +358 (0)50 5696 439
IQM Germany GmbH
Nymphenburgerstr. 86
80636 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 23025750
Press contact
Head of Marketing
& Communications
Phone: +358 50 487 6509
About IQM Quantum Computers.
IQM is the leading European company designing and building superconducting quantum computers. IQM also provides partnerships and co-designs quantum computers for the specific needs of their customers. IQM has a world-class team of international quantum experts, located in Europe, building quantum computers for both the private and public sectors. Customers include governments, research laboratories, supercomputing centers, private organizations and others. IQM is a spin-out from Aalto University, Finland, and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The team’s pioneering work has yielded breakthroughs in qubit reset, readout, thermal management of quantum circuits, and other innovative solutions.
Facts and Figures:
- IQM has currently (November 2020) an international team of 40+ quantum engineers in Espoo, Finland, and Munich, Germany.
- Number of employees currently (November 2020): 70+ employees
- IQM team have collectively published over 640 scientific articles with more than 27,000 citations (IQM h-index: 81).
- IQM has secured over €30M of funding from private investors and public entities.
- Founding Year: 2019
- Founders:
- Kuan Yen Tan, CTO, Co-founder of IQM
- Mikko Möttönen, Chief Scientist, Co-founder of IQM
- Juha Vartiainen, COO, Co-founder of IQM
- Jan Goetz, CEO, Co-founder of IQM
IQM kerää 39 miljoonaa euroa uutta pääomaa puskeakseen Euroopan johtoasemaan kvanttitietokoneiden toimituksissa
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/ins IQM-yritys, joka on Euroopan johtava suprajohtavien kvanttitietokoneiden kehittäjä, ilmoitti tänään, että se on kerännyt 39 miljoonaa euroa toisella pääomasijoituskierroksellaan. Kaikkiaan IQM on saanut tähän mennessä rahoitusta kasaan 71 miljoonaa euroa.