Board turns into reusable pack
Can you use your empty package of chocolates as a jewel box? Stora Enso Paperboards and Cartotecnica Chierese have started a project to launch a new type of reusable board package on the market. Both companies believe that at the beginning of the 21st century reusability will become a key marketing factor. Even now board is easily recycled, but packages suitable for reuse are not common.
"In the end user sector of the market, the reusability of board will become increasingly significant. We have developed certain successful packaging solutions where the board package or carton can later be used as a box for storing things, as a toy or as an ornament," says Gabriele Benedicenti, President of the Italian Cartotecnica Chierese s.p.a. The company designs and manufactures packages mainly for leading food and consumer goods brands, such as Nestlé, Ferrero, Cadbury, Guylian and Lindt. Especially sweets and chocolate manufacturers are planning packages for the beginning of the new millennium, with reuse properties already built in to the package's design. For example, Ferrero have several reuse-type packages for their Kinder brand products and reuse possibilities are also being sought for luxury packages.Ensocoat and Enso Performa by Stora Enso Paperboards are the grades used by Chierese in their reuse packages. The brightest SBS board on the market, Ensocoat, keeps its purity and brightness properties extremely well when reused, for example, as storage boxes. Chierese uses Enso Performa mostly for packaging sweets and chocolates, applications which require the best possible purity, rigidity and printability.
"The package should make the product stand out as a top quality product, but at the same time give the consumer a robust package that he can make use of later. The material has to be strong enough to withstand the wear and tear of reuse and possibly rough handling after its primary use," explains Sales Director Yrjö Aho from Stora Enso Paperboards. According to Aho this requires a new kind of innovative packaging design and close co-operation between the different parties involved to make sure that the reuse properties of the end product really work. Stora Enso Paperboards and Chierese will be presenting the latest commercial applications developed together with end users during autumn 1999.
Chierese has produced reuse packages for several clients, for example Ferrero. Ensocoat and Enso Performa are the grades used by Chierese in their reuse packages.
For further information contact:
Stora Enso Paperboards
Yrjö Aho
Tel: +358 2046 121
Fax: +358 2046 24767
Stora Enso UK
Mr Roy Bray
Enso House, New Mill Road
GB-Orpington, Kent BR5 3TW
Tel: +44 1689 836 911
Fax: +44 1689 829 732
Stora Enso Interamericas, Inc.
Mr Mikko Jaatinen
8750 Doral Boulevard
Suite 270
MIAMI, FL 33178
Tel: +1 305 716 9799
Fax: +1 305 716 5441
Stora Enso North America Corp.
Mr Per Hellman
Two Landmark Square
3rd Floor
STAMFORD, CT 06901-2792
Tel: +1 203 356 2300
Fax: +1 203 356 2340
Stora Enso France
Alain Piattier / Maila Grastilleur
15/25 Blvd de l'Amiral-Bruix
F-75782 Paris Cedex 16
Tél: +33 1 53 64 7900
Télecopie: +33 1 53 64 7990
Stora Enso Deutschland
Wilfried Schmahl
Feldmühleplatz 1
Tel: +49 211 581 2537
Fax: +49 211 581 2175
Stora Enso Hellas
Angelo Evgenikos
33, Vas. Sofias Ave.
Tel: +30 1 723 9990
Fax: +30 1 723 5110
Stora Enso Italia
Pasi Ahokas
Via A. Volta, 16
1-20093 Cologno Monzese
Tel: +39 02 251 514 74
Fax: +39 02 251 514 59
Stora Enso Nederland B.V.
Dhr J.W.F.Klarenbeek
Postbus 12386
Tel: +31 20 650 5555
Fax: +31 20 650 5622
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Board turns into reusable pack
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