Company Information
Genano Oy
Metsänneidonkuja 6
02130 Espoo
Tel. +358 9 774 38 70
Email Format:
Press contact
Via social media
Company Information
Genano Oy
Metsänneidonkuja 6
02130 Espoo
Tel. +358 9 774 38 70
Email Format:
Press contact
Via social media
About Genano Oy
Genano is a spin-off from the scientific world and was founded in 1999. It operates currently in over 30 countries worldwide and is an international leader in indoor air decontamination in a wide range of business areas. The company’s patented cold-plasma technology is based on powerful electronic air purification that eliminates all living microbes, such as viruses and bacteria down to nanometer size. The decontaminators are available in three sizes, the 200- 300- and 500-series. Located in Espoo, Finland, the company have offices also in Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Italy, China, Taiwan and Canada, and in addition a global network of distributors.
Le purificateur d'air qui élimine tous les virus, aujourd'hui et demain
Published on
La Covid-19 a vidé les bureaux, mais après l'enthousiasme initial suscité par le télétravail, un sentiment de solitude s'est installé chez bon nombre de télétravailleurs. L'innovant purificateur d'air de Genano, seul appareil de purification du marché capable de réduire les particules ultra-fines à 0,003 µ m, aurait pourtant pu permettre aux employés de continuer à travailler en présentiel en toute sécurité.